Resetting the system
During development, to make destructive schema changes or to completely change your schema, you must recreate the Information Store database.
Before you begin
This process can permanently remove data and the database from your system, ensure that no data is in the system that you want to keep.
For more information about making a backup of your deployment, see Backing up a deployment.
Stopping Liberty
Run the following command on the Liberty server to stop Liberty:
docker exec -u i2analyze liberty /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t stopLiberty
The console output from the stopLiberty
task is output directly to the console.
Clearing the search index
To clear the search index, you can run the commands from the Admin client or Liberty server. In the distributed deployment example, the admin_client
container is used to run the command. The admin_client
container includes the i2 Analyze toolkit and a database management system client installation. You can run commands that modify the database and Solr from this container.
To clear the search index, run the following command:
docker exec -u i2analyze -it admin_client /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t clearSearchIndex --all --hostname admin_client.eianet
The search index is cleared, however any data that was in the database remains in the database.
Removing databases from the system
To remove the database from your system, you can use the dropDatabases
toolkit task. For more information, see Removing databases from the system.
To drop the database, you must ensure that there are no active connections to it.
Stopping active connections to your SQL Server database
You can identify the active connections to the database by running the following command:
docker exec sqlserver /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U i2analyze -P Passw0rd -Q "EXEC SP_WHO2"
If the command returns no results, or there are no rows in the list with a DBName of ISTORE
, there are no active connections to the Information Store.
Otherwise, make a note of all the values in the SPID
column with a DBName of ISTORE
The following is an example of how to stop an active connection with the SPID of 54
docker exec sqlserver /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U i2analyze -P Passw0rd -Q "KILL 54"
Any connections that you stop in this way are not in the list when you run the command to identify the active connections.
Stopping active connections to your Db2 database
You can identify the active connections to the database by running the following command:
docker exec -u i2analyze -t db2 bash -c ". /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile && db2 list applications"
If the command returns the No data was returned by Database System Monitor
warning, or there are no rows in the list with a DB Name of ISTORE
, there are no active connections to the Information Store.
Otherwise, make a note of all of the values in the Appli. Handle
column with a DB Name of ISTORE
The following is an example of how to stop two active connections with the application handles of 1414
and 1415
docker exec -u i2analyze -t db2 bash -c ". /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile && db2 'force application (1414, 1415)'"
Any connections that you stop in this way are not in the list when you run the command to identify the active connections.
Stopping active connections to your Postgres database
You can identify the active connections to the database by running the following command:
docker exec -e PGPASSWORD=Passw0rd postgres bash -c "psql -w -X -q --set=client_min_messages=warning -h postgres -p 5432 -d ISTORE -U i2analyze -c 'select datname, pid, usename from pg_stat_activity;'"
If the command returns no results, or there are no rows in the list with a datname of ISTORE
, there are no active connections to the Information Store.
Otherwise, make a note of all the values in the pid
column with a datname of ISTORE
The following is an example of how to stop an active connection with the pid of 185
docker exec -e PGPASSWORD=Passw0rd postgres bash -c "psql -w -X -q --set=client_min_messages=warning -h postgres -p 5432 -d ISTORE -U i2analyze -c 'select pg_cancel_backend(185);'"
docker exec -e PGPASSWORD=Passw0rd postgres bash -c "psql -w -X -q --set=client_min_messages=warning -h postgres -p 5432 -d ISTORE -U i2analyze -c 'select pg_terminate_backend(185);'"
Any connections that you stop in this way are not in the list when you run the command to identify the active connections.
Drop the database
After you ensure that there are no active connections to your database, you can drop the database by running the following command: In SQL Server:
docker exec -u i2analyze -it admin_client /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t dropDatabases --hostname admin_client.eianet
In Db2:
docker exec -u i2analyze -it admin_client bash -c ". /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile && /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t dropDatabases --hostname admin_client.eianet"
In Postgres:
docker exec -u i2analyze -it admin_client /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t dropDatabases --hostname admin_client.eianet
database is removed.
Recreating the database
Before you can restart i2 Analyze, you must recreate the database.
To create the database, run the following command: In SQL Server:
docker exec -u i2analyze -t admin_client /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t createDatabases
In Db2:
docker exec -u i2analyze -t admin_client bash -c ". /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile && /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t createDatabases"
In Postgres:
docker exec -u i2analyze -t admin_client /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t createDatabases
You must start Liberty:
docker exec -u i2analyze liberty /opt/i2/i2analyze/toolkit/scripts/setup -t startLiberty
The console output from the startLiberty
task is output directly to the console.
Liberty is now started and you can connect to i2 Analyze.
Testing the deployment
Connect to i2 Analyze and search for data. If you perform a wildcard search for *
, all of the data in your system is returned. After you remove the database from the system, this search returns no results.