Home > @i2analyze/i2connect > utility
utility namespace
The members of the utility
namespace improve the TypeScript type information that's based on service configuration. You will rarely need to use the members of this namespace directly in your connector code.
export declare namespace utility
Introduced: API version 2.0
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AcquireCallbackParameters | The parameters object that is passed to the acquire callback. |
AuthenticateCallbackParameters | A utility type to determine the parameters for the authenticate callback. |
AuthenticatorCallbackParameters | A utility type to determine the callback parameters if a service uses authentication. |
FormCallbackParameters | A utility type to determine the callback parameters if a service has a form. |
FormConditionLogicalTypeValueMap | A map of logical type to value types, when providing a default value for a form condition. |
FormConditions | A utility type that determines the callback condition key-value pairs for a given form. |
IWritableGeospatialPoint | A writable geospatial point value. |
LogicalTypeValueTypeMap | A map of logical type to value types for a particular property type. |
LongRunningCallbackParameters | A utility type to determine the callback parameters if a service is long-running. |
PropertyTypeDisplayNames | A utility type that represents the display names of the property types of a particular item type. |
PropertyTypeFromDisplayName | A utility type that represents a property type with a particular display name from a particular item type. |
PropertyValuesFromPossibleValues | A utility type that represents the values of a property type that has possible values. |
PropertyValueType | The permitted type (for example, string , number , or boolean ) for the value of a property that has the specified property type. |
SectionedFormConditions | A utility type that determines the callback condition key-value pairs for a given form that has sections. |
SeedCallbackParameters | A utility type to determine the callback parameters if a service supports seeds. |
SemanticPropertyTypeSeeds | A utility type that determines the callback key-value pairs for semantic seeds. |
ServiceAcquireCallback | The acquire callback. |
ServiceValidateCallback | The validate callback. |
SetPropertyValueType | The permitted type (for example, string , number , or boolean ) for the value of a property that has the specified property type, when writing. |
SetRecordProperties | A set of name-value pairs that contain the type names and values for the properties of a record that has a specific type. |
ValidateCallbackParameters | The parameters object that is passed to the validate callback. |
VisualQueryAcquireCallbackParameters | The parameters object that is passed to the visual query acquire callback. |
VisualQueryServiceAcquireCallback | The visual query acquire callback. |
VisualQueryServiceValidateCallback | The visual query validate callback. |
VisualQueryValidateCallbackParameters | The parameters object that is passed to the visual query validate callback. |
WritableDate | A writable date value. |
WritableDateTime | A writable date and time value. |
WritableDecimal | A writable decimal value. |
WritableLogicalTypeValueTypeMap | A map of logical type to value types for a particular property type, when writing property values. |
WritableTime | A writable time value. |