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commands namespace
The members of the commands
namespace allow you to integrate the commands that you create in your plug-ins with the i2 Notebook user interface.
export declare namespace commands
Introduced: version 1.0
Interface | Description |
CommandEventsMap | A mapping of command types to the event types that are available to a surfaced command. |
CommandPayloadMap | A mapping of command types to their payload types. |
IAction | A representation of a command in the user interface. An action is created when a command is surfaced. |
IActionArea | An area of the i2 Notebook user interface that can display actions and groups of actions. |
IApplicationRibbon | The i2 Notebook application ribbon. |
IChartItemPopupMenuSystemGroups | A lookup table for the identifiers of the system action groups in the chart item pop-up menu. |
IChartPopupMenuSystemGroups | A lookup table for the identifiers of the system action groups in the chart pop-up menu. |
IChartSurfacePopupMenuSystemGroups | A lookup table for the identifiers of the system action groups in the chart surface pop-up menu. |
ICommand | A registered i2 Notebook command. |
ICommandApi | A collection of methods and properties that allow custom commands to interact with i2 Notebook. |
ICommandConfig | A set of information that is necessary in order to register an i2 Notebook command. |
ICommandConfigBase | A set of information that is common to all commands in i2 Notebook. |
ICommandKeyboardHelp | An entry for a command in the i2 Notebook keyboard help. |
IGroup | A group of actions in either the i2 Notebook application ribbon or a popup menu. |
IGroupBase | A group of actions in i2 Notebook. |
IHomeTabActionArea | An area that represents the Home tab in the application ribbon, which contains system groups. |
IHomeTabSystemGroups | A lookup table for the identifiers of the system action groups in the Home tab. |
IImageUrl | An icon for a command or a group, specified by the URL of the image file. |
IInlineSvg | An icon for a command or a group, specified by a block of inline SVG code. |
IMenuGroup | A group of actions in a popup menu that do not have a label or an icon. |
IRecordsContext | The records that are pertinent for a command that is surfaced in a particular area of the user interface. |
IRecordsContextEvents | A collection of methods that set up listeners to run in response to record changes in a particular context. |
IRibbonTabActionArea | An area that represents a custom tab in the application ribbon. |
IRibbonTabConfig | A set of information for creating a tab in the application ribbon. |
ISystemCommands | A lookup table for the command identifiers of the default system commands. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
CommandId | An identifier of a command. |
CommandType | A type for a command, which determines the payload it receives when a user invokes it. |
GroupId | An identifier for a group of actions. |
HelpCategory | A category for a command, as listed in the i2 Notebook keyboard help. |
IIcon | An icon for a command or a group. |
RecordsContextChangeListener | A callback function that handles records context change events. |
RibbonTabId | An identifier for a tab in the application ribbon. |