Home > @i2analyze/notebook-sdk > schema > IChartPropertyType
schema.IChartPropertyType interface
A property type.
interface IChartPropertyType
Introduced: version 1.0
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
analyzeId? | readonly |
AnalyzePropertyTypeId | (Optional) Gets the identifier of the property type in the i2 Analyze schema, if it has one. |
description | readonly |
string | Gets the description of the property type. |
displayName | readonly |
string | Gets the display name of the property type. |
id | readonly |
ChartPropertyTypeId | Gets the identifier of the property type. |
isCustom | readonly |
boolean | Indicates whether the property type is a custom type. |
isMandatory | readonly |
boolean | Indicates whether records whose item type contains the property type must have a value for it. |
isOrphaned | readonly |
boolean | Indicates whether the property type is orphaned - that is, it does not have a counterpart in the i2 Analyze schema. |
logicalType | readonly |
data.LogicalType | Gets the logical type of the value of a property that has the property type. |
maxStringLength? | readonly |
data.ICharLimit | (Optional) Gets the maximum string length for the value of a property that has the property type. |
possibleValues? | readonly |
data.IReadOnlyCollection<IPossibleValue> | (Optional) Gets the possible values for a property that has the property type. |
semanticTypeId | readonly |
string | Gets the identifier of the semantic type of the property type. |