Home > @i2analyze/notebook-sdk > schema > IChartSchema
schema.IChartSchema interface
A chart schema, which defines the types of the records and properties that can appear on charts in the i2 Notebook web client.
interface IChartSchema
Introduced: version 1.0
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
entityTypes | readonly |
data.IKeyedReadOnlyCollection<ChartItemTypeId, IChartEntityType> | Gets all the entity types in the chart schema. |
itemTypes | readonly |
data.IKeyedReadOnlyCollection<ChartItemTypeId, IChartItemType> | Gets all the item types (that is, entity types and link types) in the chart schema. |
linkTypes | readonly |
data.IKeyedReadOnlyCollection<ChartItemTypeId, IChartLinkType> | Gets all the link types in the chart schema. |
maxCustomTypeNameLength | readonly |
data.ICharLimit | Gets the maximum length for the names of custom types. |
notesSchema | readonly |
INotesSchema | Gets the schema for notes. |
securitySchema | readonly |
ISecuritySchema | Gets the security schema. |
sourceIdentifiersSchema | readonly |
ISourceIdentifiersSchema | Gets the schema for source identifiers. |
Method | Description |
getItemType(analyzeItemTypeId) | Gets the item type in the chart schema that has the specified i2 Analyze type identifier. |
getSourceReferenceSchema(itemTypeOrId) | Gets the source reference schema for the specified item type. |